Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Turning of the key

Mom wants to turn the key. I was scared at first,BUT I was brave! When my mom turns the key it feels like im going to choke. Turning the key makes my mouth wider. When she turns the key I think about stuff  I like. I like legos and pirates of the Caribbean. It hurts a little when she turns it. she has turned it two times. the key does not look like a regular key. it looks like a stick and a ball on the top and it looks like a l.

 He did tear up this morning as I told him today we have to turn his expander. I prefer to do it in the morning just in case he has a headache and then he will be able to rest better at night. At first I wasn't sure if I was turning the "key" correctly. I was worried I was hurting him. I have turned it twice now, and so far so good. I feel more confident with each turn. The only trouble we  have is the key is to be pushed toward the back of his throat. I'm not sure its as much pain as it is discomfort. To make sure I'm not undoing the turn I have to pull the key out also near the back of the throat. Andon takes deep breaths before we begin and this seems to help. We go back next Wednesday for an appointment and to see the progress we have made.

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